
The importance of home-school relationships between parents and practitioners within early years settings is widely accepted. This dissertation explores the process of relationship building from the perspectives of the parents, practitioners and the children, and seeks to understand what each stakeholder feels, thinks and understands about the experience. The research followed an interpretative style and the methods were designed to reflect the interpretation of a home visit by all individuals involved. All viewpoints were considered equally important. Data was collected from questionnaires completed by the adults and observations of the children, which were completed during participatory multi-method approaches suitable for the developmental ages and stages of the children. The main themes identified include the effects of power, surveillance and the complexities of relationship building and partnership with parents. As a result of these findings this study points to the need for wider research into the role of power and the understanding of the importance and value within the workforce, of building relationships and recommends using larger data samples to support future findings and inform the development of professionals working with children and families

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